International Institute of Infection and Immunity


The International Institute of Infection and Immunity was established at the end of 2016. It is an international research institute with the cooperation between the Institutes of Biology and Medical Sciences of Soochow University in China and the Department of Molecular Medicine ofHeinrich Heine University Düsseldorf in Germany. The institute is jointly supported by Soochow University andHeinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. The researchers in the International Institute of Infection and Immunity are focusing on studying pathogen-associated immune recognition, immune regulation, and immune protection. Dr. Philipp A. Lang, as the director of the International Institute of Infection and Immunity, is majorly studying antiviral and antibacterial innate immunity. He also serves as the director of the Department of Molecular Medicine II ofHeinrich Heine University Düsseldorf currently. So far, he has published a great number of papers in top journals including Cell, Nature, Science, and Immunity, and gained extraordinary achievements recognized by international experts. Dr. Hui Zheng is the deputy director of the International Institute of Infection and Immunity. He is focusing on studying the broad-spectrum antiviral mechanisms including interferon (IFN)-activated antiviral regulation. So far, he has published a series of research articles including PLoS Pathog, PNAS, Cell Rep, Blood, Mol Cell Biol, J Immunol and J Biol Chem. Currently, there are fourteen full professors in the International Institute of Infection and Immunity.


Philipp A. Lang

Hui Zheng  

Sidong Xiong

Jörg Timm  

Bernhard Homey

Andreas Reichert

Jürgen Scheller

Carsten Münk

Fangfang Zhou

Verena Keitel

Wei Xu    

Jianfeng Dai

Julia Hauer 

Haifeng Xu